
Rachel’s Joy Maternity Home c/o
New Jerusalem City Church
Susan Mirti Fusco, Executive Director
2114 Mermaid Ave.
Brooklyn, NY11224
at: Rachelsjoy@aol.com
at: 1-718-692-3801
Please direct any inquiries or letters expressing interest in volunteering in one or more of the mentioned needed areas or send donations to:
Make checks payable to Rachel’s Joy Maternity Hom. All donations made to this ministry are tax-deductible.
Comments or questions about this site e-mail us at lmfstudios@earthlink.net. This site was designed
as a donation by LMF Studios

Rachel's Joy operates as a DBA of ACTS Community Development Corporation

us funds using Rachelsjoy@aol.com
“ ' Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’
says the Lord Almighty.” Zec. 4:6
Newmailing address for Rachel's joy corespondents and donations
Please mail to:
2114 Mermaid Ave.
Brooklyn, NY11214
